Promising Discovery for a Non-Invasive Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
"A discovery of high relevance in medical research will be published in Volume 55, number 4 of December 2016 of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (JAD), entitled "Tau Platelets Correlate with Regional Brain Atrophy in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease." This paper has been highlighted as one of the most important contribution to this field. The paper stems from a fruitful collaboration between the neuroscience laboratory from the International Center for Biomedicine (ICC) under the leadership of Dr. Ricardo Maccioni and the research teams of Drs. Andrea Slachevsky, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, together with Drs. Oscar Lopez and James Becker from University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, USA."
To read the full article, Click HERE.
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