Care For a Cure sees a world free of Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease. We see a world with a cure developed to end the constant suffering that patients, families and loved ones continuously endure. We see our work playing a key role in advocating for greater resources from government, institutions, and health care providers to further research development in order to eradicate these horrible diseases.
Our Vision
Care For A Cure EIN: 26-3709908
Our Purpose
Care for a Cure was founded in 2008 by Dave McGarry in Cody, Wyoming. CARE is a registered non-profit 501(c)3 organization. CARE was established as a dual-purpose organization, focusing both on breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease awareness and prevention.
McGarry felt compelled to launch the organization after his life was indelibly changed forever following his mother’s diagnosis with Alzheimer’s disease and several friends passing from Breast Cancer.
His conviction to make a difference led to the formation of CARE. Since its inception, CARE has focused on medical research initiatives, advocacy, and family care. CARE is also developing cutting -edge mobile apps to assist care-givers, family members, and those suffering with Alzheimer's disease with valuable resources.
CARE's vision is to expand into a global charity. With your help CARE will grow its impact, bringing about awareness, treatment, funding, and resources to those suffering from these diseases and those caring for them. All while progressing toward a cure.
Our Stategy for Ending Alzheimer's
disease and Breast Cancer
What We Do
CARE funds research initiatives that work to create treatments and vaccines for Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
CARE provides resources and support for family members and care-givers of those suffering from Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Families are often put in positions of strain and hardship caring for those afflicted by these diseases. The burden is great and CARE works to help relieve these stresses.
CARE works to advocate for people and families suffering from these two debilitating diseases. We work with lobbies in government, institutions, and health care providers to bring resources and awareness to Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
CARE sponsors events around the country to raise awareness for these causes. We sponsor walk-athons, runs, community service events, fundraisers, galas, educational programs, and more. We also partner with major sporting events, celebrities, and corporations to help promote our important mission.
Help End Breast Cancer and
Alzheimer's Disease Today