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Home Safety Tips for Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease

Doctor Amy Ehrlich, M.D outlines important measures that can be taken to identify and prevent risks of injury for Alzheimer's patients in their homes.

"Home safety is a frequent concern of caregivers. Whether they’re deciding how safe it is for a loved one to stay home alone or if the patient should continue to cook or drive, safety is often at the top of the list of concerns. Many symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease increase the risk of injury, including poor memory and judgment, difficulty following directions and episodes of agitation or irritability. Older adults with Alzheimer’s disease may also have difficulties with gait and balance, placing them at higher risk for falls.

To help, it’s important for caregivers to think about areas for potential injuries and try to adapt the home environment – where injuries most often occur – whenever possible to minimize risk. In general, experts state it’s better to change the environment, than to try to change someone’s behavior."

To read the full article, click HERE.

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