Hadassah Continues Leading-Edge Research in Breast Cancer Detection
For twenty years, Hadassah Medical Center of Oncology in Israel has been at the forefront of identifying and developing treatments for Breast Cancer.
"As Hadassah continues its important research work in finding a cure, the organization celebrates 20 years since its researchers discovered that the risk of carrying the BRCA1 gene mutation – which is tied to increased cancer risk – is 1 in 40 for Ashkenazi women, compared to 1 in 100 for the rest of the population.
Following this discovery, Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) developed a simpler blood test to detect the presence of these genes, the organization reported.
Hadassah’s findings have had a major impact on breast cancer management. “We now know this mutation in the BRCA gene predisposes to the development, not only of breast cancer, but also to the development of ovarian, colon, pancreatic, prostate in males and other diseases,” she said."
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