Care For a Cure's
4th Annual
Clay Shoot Event
Hunting Hills Center
181 Hunting Hills Road
Dilliner, PA 15327
Click to Register
Join us for CARE For A Cure’s clay shooting fundraiser event to benefit Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Call Hunting Hills: 724-324-2738
Or Dave: 412-953-8305
All major credit card cards accepted
Sponsorship opportunities available. Please email info@careforacure.com for more information.
Come shoot with NFL legend
Rocky Bleier
former Pittsburgh Steeler
and four-time Super Bowl Champion

Prizes and Awards
Field & Stream prizes
1st & 2nd place man and woman
1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th place teams
1st place under 18 Young Gun
Donated shotgun raffle
50/50 Draw
Chinese Auction Items
Registration at 7:45AM
Start at 10AM
5-Person blind teams
Chicken Dinner Served
(must pre-register)
Golf Carts Available
(Additional cost, must pre-register
to secure cart)
Must supply own ammunition
Important Information
To help plan a better event, PRE-REGISTER to guarantee the meal.
Pre-Registration ends May 4th 2019
Sponsorship opportunities available. Please email info@careforacure.com for more information.