10 Ways To Keep Breast Cancer Out Of Your Future
Long before we get our first pimple, budding breasts remind us that we're women in training. We love them, we hate them. We want them to grow bigger, we wish they'd stop growing, we wonder why this one is smaller/bigger/rounder/flatter than the other, why men are staring at them—and why they're not. (Find out 10 things your breasts say about your health.)
No matter how conflicted we may be, breasts are part of our female identity, which may be why, for most of us, having breast cancer is our biggest fear. We're more afraid of it than we are of heart disease, which is 10 times more likely to be what sends us to the great beyond.
Yet fewer women get breast cancer, and fewer die from it, than ever before. "Cancer is not an inevitability. Women have more control over the disease than they think," says Margaret I. Cuomo, MD, author of A World without Cancer: The Making of a New Cure and the Real Promise of Prevention. "Everything we do from the moment we wake—from what we eat and drink to whether or not we exercise and avoid BPA, parabens, and other carcinogenic chemicals—is a factor that can turn on or off the genetic switches in our bodies, including ones that could lead to cancer. The risk of many cancers, including breast cancer, can be significantly reduced by living a healthy lifestyle."
To read the full article, click HERE
Written by DINA ROTH PORT for prevention.com